About Sandra
My belief is that there is only one God one Jesus Christ one set of rules “don’t lie don’t cheat don’t steal” if you commit one you are committing all three.
Religions were man made. Do you know why? I believe everyone from different races, ethnicities wanted to make up their own set of rules. They want to tell people what to do they want people to worship them. Jesus died for our sins. Jesus was the only one that could heal, no one else. I believe when he died God had to come up with a plan B. He created people like me and my team. He created us and gave us gifts/abilities which the church refers to them as (witches) In reality he had sidekicks that accompanied him stood by his side. Over time it was changed to psychics. God gave us these abilities to use for the greater good, to restore people’s faith in God or to gain their faith because we are in a spiritual warfare. But unfortunately, some of our kind got consumed by hate, jealousy, greed envy etc.…. (power hungry) and started using the gift/abilities to cause harm to other people and spread all that negativity and used it to self-benefit from God’s gift and took credit for his gift. This is a no no. God has his management team the Ancestors and there are our guardian angels and warrior angels along with our spirit guides. Again this is my belief.
We have heard our calling and have dedicated our lives and time to help those in need or who have been a victim of black magic brought upon jealousy, envy, greed etc..... and do this full time.
What is your life worth to you? That’s what you must ask yourself when making any donations and or offerings. Minimum donations of $20.00 for a simple reading but higher donations the more in depth your reading will receive as it takes time to retrieve the information from the universe. Offerings can be any amount but on this website using a credit card processor we had to enter an amount. We purchase the following items with monies received: fruit flowers plants, candles, crystals or incense sage sticks herbs and oils etc... as these are the items we use for different people with different needs. We are grateful to the universe
About Ifagbamila
Ifagbamila is a Babalawo(Chief Priest) from Africa. He is a spiritual healer and does divination readings from West Africa. He belongs to African beliefs association/society which is IFA & Orishas. He helps people in solving spiritual and non-spiritual problems and any difficulties you may be facing. He is available for IFA and Orisha past, present and future divination readings, love spells job promotion, pregnancy, luck spells and other intuitive guidance.
About Ifa Practice
One of the traditional practices of the Yoruba people is IFA worship. It is a practice which originated thousands of years ago. It is a very ancient religion of the mysteries and messages of Olodumare revealed to man by Orunmila..
Ifa is a system of divination and religion of the Yoruba people. It also refers to the verses of the literary corpus that is known as Odu Ifa.
The Grand Priest of Ifa is known as Orunmila. The belief is that Orunmila was sent to the earth by Olodumare (the creator of the universe) to bring the Laws of Olodumare into this world. History of Ifa religion According to Yoruba mythology, Ifa oracle was founded by Orunmila in lle-Ife (the city believed to be the source of the Yorubas - Orirun Ile Yoruba) after Orunmila had initiated himself and his students Aseda and Akoda..
Ifa is more of a spiritual system which is based on the belief in these three components:
Olodumare (the Creator of heaven and earth), Orisa (Nature Spirits), and the ancestors..
Olodumare According to Ife beliefs, Olodumare the Supreme Being has no gender and is not actively involved in the affairs of human beings.
Olodumare created a universe that has everything that humans need to live a fulfilled and happy life.
Orisa/orunmila/Ancestors "Every life form and element of nature has an inner soul force - including rivers, rocks, clouds, metals, flowers, thunder, and the wind." - African oral tradition. The natural forces that make up the universe are referred to as Orisa/orunmila ,and each one of them has its specific functions. The human race is in constant communication with these natural forces, whether we are aware of it on not. These Orisas serve as the intermediary between the Olodumare and humans.
There are many Orisas believed to be operating in the universe, but the basic and popular ones are:
Orisa Esu - the force or energy of opportunity.
Orisa Obatala - the force or energy of peace.
Orisa Ogun - the force or energy of the forest. It is also the spirit of dynamic creativity as it is associated with metal workers or blacksmith.
Orisa Osun - the force or energy of love and attraction of all good things on every level.
Orisa Oya - the force or energy of the wind and the force of sudden change.
Orisa Sango - the force or energy of thunder.
Orisa Yemonja or Olokun - the force/energy of the sea or oceans. These Orisas are also seen as gods.
Hence, they are referred to as the god of the force of nature they control. For example, Orisa Sango is popularly referred to as god of thunder
According to the worship of Ifa, it is Orunmila that reveals divinity and prophecy to the world. Ifa priests and priestesses are referred to as Babalawos (men) and lyanifas (women) respectively. They use "Opele" - a divining chain on the "Opon Ifa" a wooden divination tray to read divinations.
This is just a summary of what the ifa religion of the Yoruba people is all about.
IFA religion or spiritual system is not limited to the Yoruba people only It is practiced across Nigeria, West Africa and some other parts of the world. Although there might be some differences in the practices.​​​​